Sitting here within auditory range to all sounds of firecrackers go off with it's accompanying sounds of po po po po pa pa pa boom boom ..and shaking my head . Apart from the fact that i see it as a complete public nuisance and disturbance of public peace . I find it amusing . Very amusing . You know why . Well I will tell you in a bit .

In the midst of the economic crunch the country currently faces . People still find it prudent to spend their hard earned cash on firecrackers. Now I'm not saying we all face the same economic problem..At least somebody is making a windfall out of it."market is booming "says a lady who sells firecrackers in my neighborhood.I'm also not saying you can't celebrate the new year but at least some decency will do. Apply the neighbors code in your jolly making. Some moderation please!!!! . Some of us are trying to catch some sleep and meet the new year the following morning in peace .
Besides the fact that I see it as a total waste of money . It's comes with some needless fright which could send a person with a heart problem to the hospital. I thought the police issued a directive on a ban on firecrackers this festive season. Well, some things are just theories especially when it comes to my neighborhood .
Is it just me who finds our weird celebration of the new year as a problem or ignorance has eaten deep into us that we hardly recognize anything decent anymore .
I guess until 12am GMT . I would have to tolerate this irritating sound and keep awake till the new year meets me wide awake .
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